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Over 400 children a day are dying of what are called “un-natural causes.” The two biggest causes are overdoses and suicides. This horror is striking families coast to coast and border to border and worsening everyday! The Covid-19 epidemic has exacerbated not only these two horrors but the abuse of children has risen to staggering numbers beyond what was already a national and international nightmare. YET, where is the outcry? Who is marching in our streets and protesting this crisis striking family after family. Our young people cry out for HOPE and real Answers. The biggest enemies we face with our young people are hopelessness and meaninglessness! When a child or adult for that matter feel there is no hope and their life has no meaning—you have a recipe for disaster and tragedy!


All the while many adults ask—what can we do? The Kids Lives Matter campaign answers that question!


His name is God and when we were truly One Nation under God, America and Canada were blessed and young and old had hope. It’s time Kids Lives Matter again and we show them HOPE. 


In Ezekiel 22 the nation had turned against God and He was about to bring His judgment. In verse 30 He says, “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge and who would stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”


Some of the saddest words in the Bible: BUT I FOUND NONE!


The challenge before us today—to save the lives of our children—is to stand and proclaim the HOPE that is only found in Jesus Christ.


Be that man or woman—stand in the gap for our children and proudly claim KIDS LIVES MATTER!

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